Rhinoplasty, An Incredible Nose Job Surgery Experience

Today our plastic surgery will be beautiful and we will be with you now. Caridi specializes in plastic surgery for men and women from West Lake Plastic, a standard feature that does not break the breath.

She's kind of nice but kinda good with some of these face-to-face features, a little bit in the first week so she's really nice and really if you just look at the big picture here, I want to make her nose fit better with the rest of her face so it works well, I'm in Really I love all the nose pumps and everything, but sometimes we can make some nice little realist improvements and it's very realistic it's very realistic which is great.

So what I see is basically from a front view and this is what you see by the way morally from the stories that we have to fix no matter what.

She does not want what I want but we have to make sure that we are on the same page and this is very important in rhinoplasty, so her nose is slightly larger than its precise facial features.

So we wanted to lighten the nose a little from a frontal perspective, it's a little wider than these points that define the points should bring them a bit make them more defined.

Rhinoplasty,  An Incredible Nose Job Surgery Experience

These are the nose here which are not bad, they are good, I am not a big fan of working on these unless you really have to leave small scars.

It can sometimes give an artificial look that we don't want to have a prominent back hump here which is interesting, in the sense that you often don't see a hump so that the nose can look wide but you don't see a hump already.

But these are the views of a quarter-selfie side views where you can see a little hump and certainly hump can bring a character, but in her case we just tone this hump and give her a narrower back we break these bones and that's what it was.

 And what makes her nose look smaller and more influenced by the side view you can slide on here, and maybe you can see more problems with the house here.

Winning in the nose consists of two components, which is the bone and cartilage, and here breaks the bony from here to narrow the nose okay and then as you can see here there is a hump right here so the order of humps.

Comes in this area here we take it down very carefully like the top of the hump and then call it these define points this point here and there that point just a little bit.

  So we collect those tariff points a little closer, just get a little about the definition of our advice, just a little less than our definition of everything we're just tight so these are the main parts of what we do.

It has a small incision on the stairway staircase in Bela-sized here is in the Eila nose and this is called a step ladder incision, where we just make sure that the scar is not straight until they are incising the edge and then we reopen the nose.

So we can see cartilage called external rhinoplasty, and don't have real strong cartridges, but we'll put some stitches in it and see what they do sometimes I use cartilage grafts, these lower side huts that make up the edge these white stuff here.

This is the bony cartilage vault and this is the bridge this is the doors from here wide seas here we are collecting these together, I'm taking a little bit of this adipose tissue we'll collect these together and show you how we do it in a minute.

Now I separate the cartilage at the top of the nose with the septum here, so the top layer was just showing the surface components with a lot of bones right here.

So this is the cartilaginous part of the house and I am downplaying now just to make Sanam chase us, so this is that all dentists are fine, so what we do is do things like that and reassess what happens to reshape the skin.

And so I still got a good sized pump there, so I'm continuing to work slowly until the whole surgery is finished.

Rhinoplasty, An Incredible Nose Job Surgery Experience Rhinoplasty,  An Incredible Nose Job Surgery Experience Reviewed by TopQ8 on 12:58 PM Rating: 5

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